About Us

Private Investment Fund

Softgate Capital started out as a sets of private investments. It grew into private investment fund. Our focus is long-term growth creation. We invest mostly in stocks not limiting ourselves to one field.

Fund Performance





Fund Established: May 2022

Last Update: 07/05/2024

Benchmark: S&P500 average yearly performance – 10% gain per year

Fund Strategies

Value Investing

Growth Investing

Momentum Trading

Merger Arbitrage

Short Selling

Our Values

Softgate Capital is located in western democratic country. Our main values that we will always maintain no matter what are democracy, freedom and capitalism. We believe those three values are what make our country and others alike (US, EU and it’s allies) not only so great places to live but also very successful in economic area. We don’t and we will not do any trade with countries that violate these values. We won’t invest in countries like Russian Federation, People’s Republic of China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Belarus, Iran and Afghanistan as those countries does not share the same values as we do and are actively trying to undermine those values in both in their and our region. We do invest in all sectors that we feel we find potential. We do not apply ideologies or political opinions in our evaluation process. Softgate Capital also stands behind those who share our values but do not live in the societies that share those values. We proudly stands with people of Ukraine, brave people of Hong Kong, all Chinese prosecuted by Chinese Communist Party and we stand with Republic of China and it’s government which we consider to be the sole government of all Chinese people.